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All the latest news at Glen South Farm.

Battle of the Breeds.

The Battle of the Breeds beef tasting events are frequently hosted as fun charitable fundraisers for Irish charities. During the event, diners have the opportunity to savour the tastes of up to four quality steaks for top cattle breeds from Glen South Farm before voting for their favourite steak.

Blind Tasting Dinner.

An excellent night was enjoyed this week at Beeftro, Dundrum where Glen South beef was featured in a blind tasting dinner. We’re delighted to report that our beef received top votes all around. Ciaran Larkin, one of the guests at the blind tasting offered very positive feedback “I was totally taken aback by the quality of The Glen South meat that was used at the blind tasting. It had everything going for it as in texture and taste. The way the meat sat on the plate once cooked, with the juices just ample for giving it that extra flavour, I can only describe it as being top class” Praise must also go to restaurant owner John Collins and the chef team at Beeftro who really understand what it takes to deliver delicious food.

After a chilly spring, it’s great to see the cattle out to pasture.

Winning Ways of Frank Murphy

Sheltered from the Winter chill

Lots of healthy new additions to the 2015 Glen South herd

December 2014: It’s exciting to see the new healthy arrivals at the farm.

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